Monday, September 27, 2010

Twinsburg Chess Club Tournament 09/25/2010

Tournament results

Ed Prochak 4
Alex James 3
Chris Coutts 3
Calvin Wolfe 2
Caywood Cooley 2
Vic Corsi 2
Robert Jones 0

Here is the final game between Ed and Alex, proving to crown the Champion, Ed Prochak!
Congrats Ed!


  1. 4Bc4 looks like an ok move but when I researched it on, of 515 games in their database with that move, white only wins 25% of them. Black wins 60% and 15% resulted in a draw. There doesn't appear to be an immediate refutation of the Bc4 move though. 4...Nbd7 appears to give the best results for black. Eventually the knight makes his way to b6.

  2. Instead of black exchanging with 24..NxN, which results in white undoubling his c pawns, what if black retreats his knight to d8 with the idea of moving it to f7 later. If white plays 25Kc2, black could play Be4, pinning the knight.

  3. I agree that the knight exchange on move 24 certainly helped me.

    The weakness I saw during the game was the pawn moves on 28..f5 and 29..g4 which do not seem to provide much strength, and in fact just restricts the bishop.
