Saturday, October 2, 2010

Here is a game Ed and I played on Saturday. A brain hammering affair. Please let us know what we may have missed.


  1. Okay.

    Obviously move 17 Nxc5 was a blunder. Should have played a3 or a4.

    Jon got a little greedy with 20 .. Nd4 He played out of it only to step back in in with 25 .. Ng4 Now with my rooks doubled with 26 Re4, we trade off. Then with 28 .. Rf8 I think Jon Jon loses the exchange. Better would have been 28..Rxb2 ending even in material and with his passed pawn more advanced (28..Rxb2 29 Rxb4 Rxa2).

    Would 28..Rxb2 be the game winning move? I don't know, but I think it could have been.
