Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Larry v Jon

This is a game I played against Larry from the Akron Chess Club. I was way behind in pawns after the dust settled. If you see any flaws, please comment. Thanks!


  1. Perhaps 6... Nb4 might work better. It threatens Nxc2+ forking the rook.

    Larry's a real good player. You certainly didn't go down easy.

    Joe Koudelka

  2. Thanks Joe, that is a good observation, that probably would have led to 7.Bd3, and an exchange of bishops trading his light square bishops which probably would have been in my favor. I appreciate the feed back.

  3. Good point re the bishop.
    If 7Bd3 Bxd3
    8cxd3 pe3

    You've got the knight threatening d3 with a check and the queen is tied to the pawn protecting it (for the time being). White's ahead in development though.

