Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Sunil v Chris


  1. 9... bxc6 would give black's white bishop access to the a6-c8 diagonal. And the rook has an open file on b. Don't know if it's better long term though.

    12... Bxe5 13.fxe5 Bg6 White has strong pawns in the center but at least you avoid losing the exchange.

    Nice endgame.

  2. I felt lucky to get a draw in this game. Sunil is a good player. I agree with Joe that the early turning point was move 12. It allowed Sunil to win the exchange. Another alternative to Joe's move would have been 12..Nxd2. I'm certain f6 wasn't best as Sunil points out in the actual game.

    I think move 35 Rxg5 was the point were I won a pawn that allowed me to enter a drawish endgame.
    I know Sunil felt he could win the endgame, I felt it would be a draw. I don't know who was right in theory.

    Another good game at the Twinsburg Library Chess Club!
