Sunday, May 2, 2010

Jeff v Jon


  1. I lost the advantage when I took on move 26...Rxd4. I should have instead gone Qg5, preparing to take my Queen to b5 and try to offer up a queen trade. I should have held that pin on the queen and rook as long as I could. Jeff played a very strong game, and I really was lucky to be able to pull a win out of it. After the queens were gone, the game was dead even. Well played Jeff.

  2. I liked that black didn't try to hold on to the pawn after 11... dxc4. Things could have gotten very messy.

    What about 19. Bg5 QxB 20.RxN. Does white's rook on the 7th rank give him any opportunities? On the other hand, white just removed a piece off the board and he's already down material.

    Would 26 ... P-e5 have won the bishop?

  3. AHA!! That was it. Thanks Joe, so simple, 26...e5!! That does win the bishop. That would have made the endgame so much easier.
