Saturday, September 11, 2010

Nick v Jon

Here is a game I played Saturday in a rare appearance at the club. Nick joined us for the first time and hopefully will be back again. He said he hadn't played in a while, but showed he can definitely play. The turning point came when white played Bishop b4, putting him down a piece. All in all, a nice game.


  1. You're right about Bb4. Despite having his queen run a marathon in the opening, white was still materially even and still had castling as an option until Bb4.

  2. What if black plays 8... e5?

    8... e5
    9.Nc3 Be6 threatens P-d4 attacking Q and N
    10. Qa4 Qc7
    11. Be3 Bb4
    12. Bxa7 Bxc3+
    13. bxc3 o-o
    14. BxN pxB

    I don't think white can hang on to the bishop on a7 then.
    However, there may well be a flaw in the above. Just don't see it (yet).
