Thursday, February 11, 2010

Joe v Robert


  1. I think I should have played 19.BxN not QxN. I wanted to get my queen and bishop on the same diagonal but the bishop was then hemmed in.

    Also, 29 s/b Kf1 not Kf2. I thought I needed the king on F2 to protect the bishop, but I didn't. So it was on a black square with Black having the black bishop.

  2. Just started looking at this game hopefully I can come up with some commentary. I did a post on Jon v. Calvin.

    Thanks for sharing. At first glance I see a lot of trades that go to an endgame and a draw. I've played many games like this myself. Now if I can just figure out how to do lots of trades go to an endgame and win!

  3. I agree Joe, also, on 20.Bf6, I think you would have been better off pushing your pawn to f4, and after gxf4, Bxf4, you would have a strong attack on h6 and the kingside castle defense is pretty weak. Good game from both. I was thinking white had an endgame advantage, but I see the draw now. Both kings are tied to the center.

  4. Good point on Kf2, it's something easy to overlook in an endgame situation.
