Sunday, June 20, 2010

Chris v Brad


  1. That a pawn was so strong in the early middle game.Once the exchange went down, that pawn had cleared the way for the queen to sweep in 27..Qxa3.
    Once the dust settled on that, white is down a pawn and black has the center completely plugged up with pawns. A very well played game. I am looking forward to hearing some comments on it. It looks like a game lacking any real serious mistakes, Whites opening was effective and all pieces got into usefulness and the king got protected. I think that unimpeded a pawn was the straw that broke the camels back.

  2. Nice game. That got a little tricky around move 27. If white wasn't careful the game never would have made move 30.

    Found an interesting line but I think 15.Qc7 kills it. 14... Qb6 15.Na4 Qd8 16.Nxc5 dxc5
    17Ba4 winning the queen. Except Qc7 prevents the queen from being pinned and still protects the bishop. Gee, if only you could count on the other player making the moves you want him to make instead of the best ones.

  3. I actually played the game out through mate. I stopped keeping score to allow play to proceed faster. I figured it was over but since I played that long I would let him mate me.

    When I ran it through Chessmaster 9000 it agreed with all but 2 of my moves and all but 5 of Brad's. For Brad it found a faster way to mate, so I think it agreed with all of his moves during the main course of the game. I believe there were a bunch of little moves that accumulated to advantages that the computer doesn't point out on the default settings.

    I didn't see the reply 27 ..Qxa3. But, I was calculating 3 moves ahead when I started the exchange, in a very difficult game. I may let the computer play it out from somewhere around the low to mid 30's (move 32-26) and see if it thinks it could have been a draw with best play.
    Brad did a good job of switch his king and rook around as the blocker of my passed pawn to win the end game. Whereas, I keep my rook tied up protecting the pawn.

    Very good game. One of my most enjoyable defeats. IF THERE IS SUCH A THING! :)
