Monday, June 21, 2010

Double Sac

This is a game that I was down a piece in the middle game and came up with an idea to double sac to lead to checkmate. My opponent followed my lead and bit on the Rook sac, which sealed the deal.


  1. Instead of 4. Nc3; 4.a4 c6 5.axb5 cxb5 6.Qf3 gives white a very strong position. Not really my idea though as I came across the line on the net.

  2. Very nice mate. Bxp Ra7+ Qxp+ QxR#. I like it. You have brillant endings!

  3. Thanks Chris. I thought long and hard about that combination, and it paid off. There are some secondary lines from move 21 that could have saved black, so i was flawed, but the end result was what I had envisioned, so I am quite proud.

  4. Chris is right. The mating combination is creative and artistic.
