Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Crazy game I recently played online

I have annotated the game a little bit, as you go through, you can see the comments I have placed in there to give a little insight into how I see things. I hope that it is helpful to you, and also to me. If you see any faulty reasoning, or blatantly wrong observations, please let me know. I think that this is the best way to improve, by talk about what you see on the board and how you process it.
This game is a wild-card, and if you notice something that both I and my opponent missed, let me know. I tried something different in the opening, and thought it was a mistake at about move 9 or 10, but it worked out. Let me know what you think.


  1. Pretty wild game.

    I think black goes down the wrong path with 3...dxc4. After that it seems nothing works particularly well. Rather than 3...dxc4 probably Nf6 or c6. Neat how you exploited the opening and black's lack of development.

    If 6...p-f3 then the bishop backs up to h4 with very little scope. If he goes to f4, then he can play e5 chasing the bishop again.

    If 6...Nc2+ 7.QxN QxB 8.Nf3 and white is way ahead in development.

  2. I find annotating my games helps me a lot. I've only start since I joined the club. I go through every game and write what I was thinking and where I went wrong. Then I let the computer tell me how bad I really play.

  3. Btw will allow you to run 1 game a week through their computer. I plays at about 2000 they said. But it is free.
